F Christian Stereotype - Rural Mama's Sandbox

Christian Stereotype

I don't talk about God nearly as much as I want to on this blog. So, here is the start of MANY future posts about God! 

One night my husband went to bed earlier than me, but left the TV on as I was surfing the web. I hadn't been paying much attention to what shows were actually on until my ears wandered as some actor in whatever movie was on, started talking about "Born Again Christians" and not in a good way. The man was sort of stereotyping Christians as stay at home, do-gooder, that doesn't or isn't allowed to have fun, or do things that "normal" people can. I wanted to scream NO at the top of my lungs as he continued to talk, he was just SO wrong! So, this prompted me to want to speak out against this stereotype of Christians/Born Again Christians. As a side note: I put a / instead of the word or because whether you have been a Christian your whole life, a Born Again Christian, or a Newly Saved Christian... they are ALL Christians and there should be no "higher or holier than thou" type Christians.

Ok, continuing on... There are some Christians that are out-going, social, and active all the time and there are some that are quiet,reserved and some that are homebodies. They are all different, they were made that way on purpose, but together they work wonders. 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 from the Bible explains that a church body has many members but each member is different. We as Christians are all part of one church/nation and serve one God. Everyone is made different to perform different tasks, just like different parts of the body has different parts but works together smoothly and towards one purpose.

Yes, Christians try to do good, every one of them should try to help others. Why? Because that is what God asks us to do, to love one another and help each other. God places Christians in places and situations so that they can help others. Is it so horrible to want to help others? If everyone helped out their neighbor, can you imagine the change that would take place in the world? Wow!

God wants us to be happy, and God wants us to have fun, he also wants us to be obedient and to not sin while doing so. I am a Christian and I have fun ALL the time. God gives us freedoms beyond anything you can ever imagine.

I also love when people try to say that Christians aren't supposed to get mad or angry. I want to scream "HAVE YOU READ THE BIBLE?" When seeing all the horrible things going on in a church that was supposed to be built to worship God, Jesus became angry and threw chairs and knocked over tables. He was angry! And he was valid in his anger, what the "men of God" in that church were doing was literally like slapping God in the face.

"If your a true Christian, than nothing bad should ever happen to you, so if bad things happen to you, your not really a Christian " This statement is so beyond wrong it makes my blood boil.

Now, I'm not professing to be an expert by any means on the Bible or about "Christianity". I am constantly learning. I sin, EVERYONE sins, but I ask forgiveness and make an effort not to sin in the same way again. I am not perfect and I fail miserably every day at doing what I should or not saying things I shouldn't, however, I live by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ who paid for my sins.

God Bless you dear followers!



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