F Freebie Friday 8/10/2012 - Rural Mama's Sandbox

Freebie Friday 8/10/2012

Welcome to another FREEBIE FRIDAY dear followers! Enjoy!

PLEASE note that the kit will ONLY be available THIS week so, don't forget to download it today!
What's My Memories Suite? Click here to read my review of the Digital Scrapbook Software. Don't have My Memories Suite? Go MyMemories.com to buy the software and start scrapping!  

USE CODE: STMMMS86739 at checkout to get $10.00 OFF the software!

Also, please note that the kit is saved in a format that isn't specific to My Memories Suite, so you can use them in other software as well!

 Bracket Book Tutorial

 1. Print your Bracket Book on cardstock and gather supplies.  (Recommended supplies: pen/pencil, ruler, small scissors, ribbon or jump rings)

TIP: When printing on both sides of a page, remove the white cutting guide from one side of the page before printing.  This way you don't have to worry about lainig up the 2 sides just perfectly when you print!

2. Cut out along white cutting guide lines on all of your pages.

3.  Using the ruler, mark where you want to punch your holes to put your ribbon or jump rings in.

4.  Punch holes where you marked.

5. Tie ribbon or use jump rings to bind your book together.

TIP:If using ribbon, make sure to leave about a fingers space in your loop, do not tie the ribbon too tight, this will make it so that it is easier to open your book.

Have a wonderful weekend dear followers!



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