Ok, so last Friday night I was a little late so I took a pregnancy test... it was positive... I'm due about or around Feb. 14, 2011 (I'm calling it our "Love Child"). We really weren't trying to have another baby at the moment seeing how things have been super busy, but evidently God said NOW is the time, so here we go, again! I was somewhat shocked when I read the big pink + on my EPT, I honestly wasn't expecting it. I called my dear sweet husband and asked him if someone was there with him. He said "Yes, why?" And I said "because I don't want you to pass out and hurt yourself and no one be around when I tell you that we're having another baby." And the giggles began, he was SO excited, shocked too, but excited. Well, as I thought about it, more and more things that were going on with me were making sense... I was extremely tired, and in the mornings I would have to sit up in bed, and wait a few minutes before I got up or I would be extremely dizzy or my eyes would go black. I just thought it was the heat, I guess not!
Well, on Wednesday night I was extremely tired, but we needed to get groceries. So, we are coming out of the store and I'm having major buyer's remorse, over groceries, which we obviously need, but still... when we get home I am still exhausted and trying to put groceries away, finally I give up, I NEED to eat right now! My stomach thought my throat had been cut! As I ate some maccoroni salad I just started crying, Pregnancy Melt Down #1 or P.M.D. #1. All these thought cam rushing to my mind. How can I have another baby now? Are we really ready for another baby? Am I ready for another baby? Is having another baby selfish? What are we going to do? Is Katelynn going to feel like I'm replacing her with a new baby? The thoughts just flooded my mind and the tears flooded my face. My dear sweet husband, who he is, gave me a hug and said go to bed, I'll finish the groceries... but being the Control Freak that I am I told him not to because I needed to know where everything was, hehe, but I did allow him to take the cans down to the basement and put them away, hehe. I love my husband, he is too good to me!
So far, this next baby is giving me a run for my money. I'm so tired its obnoxious, and I HAVE to eat, all the time. If I don't eat I'm dizzy. I'm crossing my fingers it isn't twins, lol! Plus side, I get to start looking for newborn cloth diapers, I don't have any since I started Katelynn at around 7 months old! Any suggestions on the best brands of newborn cloth?
Anyhow, thought I would give you an update dear followers!
Have a great day!
About Me
Hi, I'm Kelsey, the author of Rural Mama's Sandbox. This blog is my way of documenting my life, starting over, with the love of my life and our (not so) littles. Thank you for coming along for the ride!
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