F My Disappearance - Rural Mama's Sandbox

My Disappearance

OK, so I mentioned that I'm pregnant with baby #2... and then disappeared. I was sick! Morning sickness and nausea SUCK! Finally, I was put on a pretty good antinausea medicine that seems to be working well. So far I'm 15 weeks and 4 days along. I was really super tired the first trimester and now I am finally getting a little bit of my energy back, not all, but some. I have to admit this time around its been much better than with my first baby. I couldn't function until I was about 18 weeks. This time I am up and much more active, it does help to have a one year old walking around as well, she keeps me on my toes. And, I don't seem as paranoid as I was with my daughter... paranoia used to keep me up all night with here and this time around I only get it every once and a while instead of all the time... HOLD THAT THOUGHT I'll be back.....



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