F Rural Mama's Sandbox

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The Greatest Loss

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The Greatest Loss

The Greatest Loss
 This time of year is very confusing for me. I'm not sure how I should feel and no matter what I feel, I always feel like it is wrong. My son was born this time of year and I love seeing him grow and love celebrating him. At the same time, my nephew was also born this time

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Pet Profile: Rosemary and Pepper AND The Field of Dreams

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Pet Profile: Rosemary and Pepper AND The Field of Dreams

 So, back to our little critters for a brief moment. After Pyrite and Patron came home I became totally obsessed with Degu and finding some blue Degus. I was on facebook one day and came across a post from an individual that had a few litters unexpectedly and several were blue in color! I contacted the owner and

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Sweetheart of the Game

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Sweetheart of the Game

 From the day of our first date, on, my husband and I could not get enough of each other! At the time he was working second shift in a town 45 minutes from my house. He started seeing me every weekend he could and we would video chat on my lunch break, right before he went to work

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How I Met My Husband, Again...

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How I Met My Husband, Again...

August 26, 2018 I was scrolling through Farmersonly.com... YES, you read that right, I was scrolling a dating website. I saw a photo that looked really familiar, a man that looked very familiar. I switched tabs on my computer browser bar and opened up Facebook. I searched the name of a man that THIS photo reminded me of,

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