F Free Formula for New Moms - Rural Mama's Sandbox

Free Formula for New Moms

Found this around the internet and thought I would spread the wealth!

If you have a child aged 0-3 months you can get a FREE 24ct case of Enfamil Newborn Premium Formula! Always good to have around if you need to supplement while your milk comes in. If you get it and don't use it you can always donate it to a mom in need!

Simply Call: 1-800-baby-123. Wait on the line for a little while to get ahold of the representative, answer some quick questions, and your FREE Formula will be shipped out to you! They say it should take 5-10 days for shipping.

I know that all the Exclusively Breastfeeding Mommas out there are screaming NO at this post, however after I had my first I NEEDED some help supplementing! I was TOTALLY set on Breastfeeding only, however my body was a little slow at producing. In the hospital my baby was quiet and sweet and just a dream. By the time we got home she was fussy and so upset. I kept trying to satisfy her but nothing worked, she was STARVING... so we gave in and supplemented with formula until my milk production was in full force. I was upset at the time because I thought I was failing her, but it was the best thing we could have done for my daughter. She was happy and content again after her belly was full.

This is just my story, please make sure to talk to your doctors about breastfeeding and any formula feeding to make sure you have the best recommendations for your baby!

Oh totally off subject but make sure you LIKE Rural Mama's Sandbox on Facebook or follow me on Twitter (@RuralMama), whenever I come across random giveaways and information I post it there! I find tons of cool stuff all the time!

Good Luck Mamas and thanks for reading dear followers!



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