F Whipped out the CDs - Rural Mama's Sandbox

Whipped out the CDs

After Little Sister was out of diapers, I couldn't bring myself to get rid my cloth diaper stash. I have held onto them for 5 years, yes, I said it 5 YEARS. Every time I came across the rubbermaid with my stash in it, I just Ooohed and Aaahhed and then replaced the top and stored them away. Well, I decided this week to bust out the CDs and use them on LiL Man.

I will TOTALLY and gladly admit, I have MISSED having a baby in cloth diapers! There is just something special about that over-sized FLUFFY bum that sends warm fuzzy feelings up and down my body. Oh how I have missed them so. It was like reacquainting myself with an old friend.

I feel the need to do some Cloth Diaper research again. I mean, I've been out of the loop for 5 years, there has GOT to be new advancements in Cloth Diapers right? I feel like a giddy school girl, anxious and excited to see her crush in school.

This week has actually gone REALLY well.  All of the diapers that I have that are Gender Neutral are One Size Pockets and he is easily fitting into them at 5 months old, with plenty of room to grow. I had been having issued with him leaking and having horrible poo explosions with disposables,  and every time we have used the cloth diapers I am once again amazed that those issues just disappear. Oh how I have missed them so.

So for all those new mama's entering the world or cloth diapering or those that are re-entering it, like me, welcome to the club and its nice to share this experience once again!

If you have a moment, leave me a comment and tell me your FAVORITE cloth diaper brand. Are there any great new ones out there?

Have a beautiful day dear followers,



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